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Foods to Avoid for Ulcerative Colitis

Have you noticed how certain foods cause ulcers to pop up on the tongue? Similarly, eating some kinds of foods can cause small bumps to develop on the digestive tract lining — which is exactly what happens to those who have ulcerative colitis. The intestines get inflamed, causing stomach cramps and rectal pain. But, here’s something that might help — dietary restrictions. People may improve symptoms by avoiding these foods.

1. Cold cuts and other processed meats
Cold cuts like bacon and ham are quick breakfast fixes for many people, but they are also inflammatory and some of the worst foods for ulcerative colitis. Sometimes, we have no clue how much damage the body undergoes until we see symptoms. Processed meat has that effect on the body. It works slowly, wearing out the tissues over time, which is why you may feel okay when you first have a hot dog or a tuna melt. But the effects come later, in the form of digestive issues like ulcerative colitis.

2. High-fiber foods like popcorn
Popcorn may seem light to eat, but it isn’t so easy on the small intestine. It has a lot of fiber, which makes it one of the worst foods for ulcerative colitis. When a person experiences flare-ups of the intestine, they need to avoid having high-fiber foods, as these can further trigger the colon. Other foods that have a good amount of fiber include seeds, nuts, and corn hulls.

3. Junk food with trans fat
Trans fats are a kind of fat that has been chemically processed. It is usually present in packaged foods, fried foods, margarine, and frosting. People get addicted to such foodstuffs (since they are good-tasting junk food after all), and ending up overeating. Gradually, this fills the intestine with matter that isn’t digested well. Over time, toxins build up in the digestive system, which creates conditions for a flare-up. Therefore, junk food is one of the worst foods for ulcerative colitis, making it essential to avoid it to keep the body free of inflammation and disease.

4. Carbonated or fermented foods
Carbonated and fermented foods have sulfate, which increases the gas in the body and triggers the digestive system. Sodas, alcohol, and other non-alcoholic fizzy drinks are some of the worst foods for ulcerative colitis. Fermented foods like kombucha and pickles may also not be digested properly, which is why it is best to avoid them until you get healthier.

People with ulcerative colitis should monitor what they eat and limit the food categories mentioned above. A doctor may advise them to follow a Paleo or Low-FODMAP diet to gain enough nutrients and restrict some major trigger foods. Remember that there are always safer alternatives to your favorite junk foods, and controlling your diet can go a long way in improving symptoms.