Home|Beauty|3 Pro Lipstick Tips for a Better Pout

3 Pro Lipstick Tips for a Better Pout

If you are only beginning to learn about the techniques that are used to apply makeup, then you probably have a long way to go. One of the most important and simple things to learn when starting out is the proper way to apply lipstick. Whether you are using liquid matte lipsticks, lip stains, or cream-based lip colors, these three tips will help you get that perfect pout for your Friday night dinners or Sunday brunches.

1. Moisturize your lips
One of the most important things that people forget to consider is the base that you will be applying lipstick on. In order to ensure smooth application, it is important to properly prepare your lips by using a moisturizer or lip primer. You can also exfoliate your lips using a gentle lip scrub if you feel the need to do so. Moreover, you can also apply some foundation to your lips in order to prevent discoloration. This technique also makes the colors pop.

2. Use a lip liner and  lipstick brush
Using a smooth and pigmented lip liner is a great way to give your lips a more defined look. Lip liners are often useful in making your lips appear plumper by slightly accentuating their edges. You can either pick a shade that matches your lipstick or one that is closer to your skin tone. If you want to be extremely precise with your lipstick application, then investing in a good-quality lip brush is definitely recommended. It helps spread the color on your lips evenly and prevents patchy spots from appearing.

3. Invest in a concealer 
If you somehow do mess up while applying lipstick and it ends up getting a little smudged, you can always fix the edges with the help of a good concealer. Moreover, if you wish to neutralize any pigmentation that appears on your lips, then a concealer can help with that as well. If you want to achieve a matte look with your glossy lip color, then you can also use some translucent powder on your lips. However, make sure to not go overboard with the powder, and just brush it away with a fluffy brush to make it even.