5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Menopausal Women

5 Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Menopausal Women

Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle naturally stops. Studies show that women who enter menopause after the age of 55 are at a higher risk for breast cancer. If the cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be successfully treated. So, it’s crucial that all women are aware of the various symptoms of breast cancer that occur during menopause: 1. Breast pain Breast pain is one of the most common symptoms of breast cancer in menopausal women. It occurs when tumors form in the breast tissue. The tumor can be just a single lump, or it can be seed-like and spread across the breast area. Breast pain may also be an early warning sign of cancer, so it’s important to monitor the pain and report it to a doctor. Describing the pain in detail to the doctor, such as when, where, and how often the pain occurs, can help treat the cancer more effectively. 2. Itching Itchy skin is a common menopause symptom. However, if the itch is pronounced in the breast area and makes one scratch a lot, then it can be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. Since this problem is common during menopause, many women don’t consider getting screened for cancer.
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5 Popular Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

5 Popular Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

Many men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) at some point in their lives. Though some manage to overcome the problem with lifestyle changes, most men require medical help. It’s crucial to know that ED is not a permanent disability, and there are several effective treatment options out there. For quick results, an individual may require a combination of these treatments. Herein, let’s take a look at some common treatment options for ED. 1. Medications Oral medications are among the most popular treatment options for ED, and they work for many men. These mediations work by boosting blood flow to the penis, allowing an individual to get an erection in response to sexual stimulation. Common classes of oral medications for ED include sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra), and avanafil (Stendra). Keep in mind that oral medication comes with a risk of side effects, such as headache, stomach upset, backache, and nasal congestion. It’s crucial to consult with a doctor before taking any medication. 2. Vacuum pumps Also called a penile pump, a vacuum pump is a hollow tube placed over the penis to draw blood into the shaft. Once the penis is erect, a tension ring is slid down to the bottom of the shaft.
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5 Common Triggers of Body Odor

5 Common Triggers of Body Odor

Body odor is a strong smell that is almost immediately noticeable, especially after sweating. In any case, it can be quite embarrassing for someone when people point out the problem. Persistent body odor should be checked out as it can also indicate developing health compilations linked to vital organs. Here are a few common reasons that explain why and how body odor may develop among men, women, and children. 1. Genetic Traits For some people, producing excessive sweat, i.e., hyperhidrosis, can be an inherited condition. Excessive sweating may run in the family and as a result, the genetic trait is passed down to the next generation. It is also one of the primary reasons for body odor as the sweat evaporates releasing the odor in extreme heat or may accumulate on the fabric one is wearing. With hyperhidrosis, the sweating is usually concentrated to one’s hands, feet and armpits. 2. Health Complications Body odor can be a side effect of many known medical conditions like diabetes, anxiety disorders, metabolic disorders, hormonal triggers, lung diseases, and even tuberculosis. Hyperthyroidism is a condition that results in adults developing an overactive thyroid gland, which can also trigger excessive sweating and body odor. This is mainly due to an imbalance in hormones caused by a hyperactive gland.
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8 Common Signs of Cancer

8 Common Signs of Cancer

While there are many probabilities associated with cancer, early detection of the disease can help combat the illness. Regular screenings and checkups are essential to help diagnose cancer. Some telltale signs of cancer vary, depending on the affected area and stage of cancer. However, when the symptoms surface, these are the signs one must look out for. 1. Changes in breasts Watch out for signs like unusual spots on the breast skin, moles, lumps in the breast tissue, or discharge from the nipple. However, keep in mind that all lumps or moles aren’t cancerous. Although, getting them diagnosed could save one from a long-term illness. Additionally, breast cancer can also occur among men, so don’t neglect getting screenings or checkups for them. 2. Fatigue Fatigue that doesn’t leave the body despite a good night’s sleep or quality rest and needs to be addressed. Continuous fatigue can impact one’s daily routine and keep productivity low, making it difficult to get them through the day. 3. Persistent cough Cough that doesn’t go away or cough with blood is a cue to get a screening for cancer. However, other than lung or neck cancer, a persistent cough with blood in the mucus could also be a sign of bronchitis or sinusitis.
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5 Treatments for Cervical Cancer

5 Treatments for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer occurs when there’s an abnormal growth of cells in the cervix. This is usually caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a type of sexually transmitted disease. A doctor may plan one’s treatment depending on the size, location, and stage of cancer. When found early, cervical cancer is highly treatable.  In this article, we will be discussing the various treatment methods for cervical cancer. 1. Chemotherapy This treatment method uses high doses of medication to find and destroy cancerous cells. It is usually used if cancer has spread. For women with cervical cancer, chemotherapy is often combined with radiation therapy. The combination may lead to severe side effects, mainly hair loss, nausea, and loss of appetite. 2. Radiation therapy In this method, high-powered beams of energy such as X-rays are used to destroy cancerous cells. It is usually used as a combination with chemotherapy or alone before surgery for cervical cancer. After this therapy, a woman may lose her ability to get pregnant. She may also lose her vaginal elasticity, and if she is premenopausal, she may enter menopause. 3. Immunotherapy Immunotherapy treatment boosts the immune system to help it fight cancer. It uses high doses of medication that interfere with the system that allows cancer cells to grow.
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7 Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

7 Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Tears help maintain eye health and good vision. When the eye’s ability to produce tears is impaired, dry eyes occur. This is a condition that causes inflammation and irritation of the eyes. Several medications help alleviate the condition; however, several natural remedies help reduce symptoms too. In this article, we will be discussing seven home remedies that help soothe symptoms of dry eyes. 1. Rest your eyes Long hours and excessive exposure to electronic devices can damage or irritate the eyes. Moreover, it reduces the blink rate and may result in incomplete blinking. This aggravates symptoms of dry eyes. Therefore, one must take a short break every few hours while using electronic devices like phones, laptops, and televisions. 2. Quit alcohol and tobacco Consuming too much alcohol can dehydrate the eyes. Moreover, while smoking, the fumes emitted from cigarettes damage the eyes due to their toxins. Additionally, it may also alter the composition of tears, aggravating dry eyes. Eliminating these practices or reducing the consumption of alcohol and tobacco may positively affect dry eyes. 3. Use wraparound sunglasses Wraparound sunglasses help protect the eyes from debris. Moreover, it also blocks air from entering the eyes, preventing tears in the eyes from evaporating or drying up.
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5 Risk Factors Linked to Hemorrhoids

5 Risk Factors Linked to Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid is a condition wherein the veins or blood vessels in the lower rectum region swell due to irritation. Men and women are at an equal risk of developing the condition, and several factors contribute to this risk. Here is a brief overview of how hemorrhoids can develop among adults between 45 and 65. 1. Genetic disorders Certain genetic disorders increase the risk of hemorrhoids. For example, inherited conditions like Ehler-Danlos syndrome can trigger a reduction in the production of collagen (elastic tissue). This impairs the functioning of pelvic floor muscles. Persistent hemorrhoids may also lead to rectal prolapse, wherein the large intestine may wholly or partially slip out of the body due to muscle problems. Genetic defects can also result in the absence of vital valves in the hemorrhoidal veins. This increases the risk of swelling and vascular pressure. Even a family history of the condition puts one at risk. 2. Pregnancy complications Women are more likely to experience severe bouts of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Primarily, hormonal changes may trigger the blood vessels to swell. Also, the added weight of the baby in the womb may push the pelvic muscles downward, putting pressure on the uterus. This dilates the flow of blood to the uterus and increases the risk of swelling and hemorrhoids.
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Common Causes of Colon Cancer

Common Causes of Colon Cancer

The colon or large intestine is the last part of the digestive tract. Cancer in this part of the body is characterized by the development of clumps of cells or tumors. Although not all tumors are cancerous, it’s essential to get the unusual lumps tested. Sometimes, the growths won’t even be visible. But one must visit a doctor when the symptoms arise. This article discusses the causes and risk factors of colon cancer. Gene mutation While there’s no specific cause of colon cancer, doctors point at gene mutations in healthy cells. Once the cancer cells outgrow the healthy ones, they can interfere with the function of the colon. And as the unhealthy cells spread to other parts of the body, they tend to accumulate and form tumors. The early signs of colon cancer include polyps in the colon, which could be non-cancerous initially. If detected at the early stage, one could reverse the impact by appropriate treatment and lifestyle changes. Risk factors of colon cancer Factors that contribute to colon cancer can be the underlying causes of the illness. Take a note of these risk factors: 1. Old age While this disease could develop at any age, older people are at risk of manifesting this long-term illness.
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Understanding the Treatment Options for PAH

Understanding the Treatment Options for PAH

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, also commonly known as PAH, is a progressive condition that causes high blood pressure in the lungs. What causes this hypertension in the pulmonary arteries is unknown. Considering how rare this condition is, there is a general lack of awareness regarding how to manage and treat this condition. In this article, we shall break down the different treatment options for PAH. Treatment options for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension One of the most important things to remember when it comes to PAH is that there is no definitive cure for this condition. Any mode of treatment available is only used to reduce the signs and symptoms of this condition. These make it easy to function in day-to-day life. But before the patient starts treatment, doctors need to figure out which kind of treatment works best for the condition. To do this, doctors first focus on understanding the root cause of PAH. The mode of treatment can also vary depending on the severity of the symptoms and its effectivenes on the individual. Here are a few of the various modes of treatment for PAH: 1. Conventional therapies Common modes of conventional therapy include calcium channel blockers, digoxin, diuretics, oxygen, and warfarin.
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7 Common Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

7 Common Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in the veins that are deep inside the body. The clot could lead to many complications, and the underlying signs need to be addressed. Just so the telltale signs of deep vein thrombosis don’t go unrecognized, we have compiled the list of symptoms that point toward the condition. 1. Swelling of the limbs Unusual swelling of the arms and legs accompanied by pain is a telltale sign of DVT. This happens because the normal flow of blood in the area is weakened. This leads to fluid build-up in the area, which triggers inflammation and swelling. 2. Warmth in affected areas One may notice inflammation around the clot. The skin over this area may feel warmer than the surrounding skin. 3. Laboured breathing This occurs when a blood clot travels to the lungs and gets stuck in one of the large branches of the lung arteries. It could make it hard for one to breathe, as the lungs may not efficiently pump oxygen into the bloodstream. This leads to an increased heart rate and risk of pulmonary embolism (PE). PE can be life-threatening.  4. Chest pain Blood clots can break loose and travel to the heart.
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